Friday, January 9, 2015

She Is...

    She Is...

    Ambitious, artistic, annoying but only towards loved ones and apologetic, when necessary.
Bipolar on occasion! Brave, when she has to be, beautiful, bold, bossy and black.
    Emotional, when she cares for you, empathetic towards everyone, enthusiastic, energetic, when motivated and easy-going when she is relaxed.
Happy, honorable, honest, hot-headed, for good reason and can be a hard-ass, if for no other reason but to make you tough!
    Interesting, imaginative, intelligent and quit intuitive.
Kind-hearted and has a kindred spirit to her friends.
    Naughty, when it matters, neat and nurturing to her family.
Outstanding, always observant and sometimes old-school.
    Radiant, in the eyes of her husband, respectful of others, responsible, real, rugite and a bit reluctant at times.
Seductive, when the mood is right! Sweet, sympathetic to peoples problems, sincere, spiritual, soulful and very strong.
    Trustworthy, talented, thoughtful and talkative, more so when she gets intoxicated!
Youthful through it all because while she maybe; Annoying, Bipolar, Emotional, Hot-headed, Kind-hearted, Naughty, Observant, Real, Strong, Talkative and have and old soul...These are only words, they don't define her! She is just a person, with a big heart, in a young body, who knows exactly where she is going and acts her age while still never loosing sight of who? 

                                                          SHE IS...
                                                                           Brittany - Shontae - Brooks


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