Monday, January 12, 2015

Final Words To Dontae

I guess it's time to lay you to rest, just put it to bed
I guess you wound up creating your own pool huh?
To which you continuously poured your sorrows into
With so many cries out, you would've had to shed many tears huh dude!
I guess you ended up taking a dive in it huh?
To which all the luggage you were carrying finally out weighed you dude
I guess we didn't realize how much you were suffering
Or how it over powered you dude
I guess the question you had on your mind was...where did we go?
The family you had just vanished on you dude
I guess it's pointless now, to wonder about the what ifs huh?
I guess if you had done that you wouldn't be missed!
I guess just caring for you now has made us all a bit crazy, to say the least
The sad thing is that, had we'd known what you'd eventually do...
I don't think the outcome for many of us would be any different dude!
I guess it's just like Wayne said, " whats misunderstood doesn't have to be explained."
This family has been beaten down cous'
I guess you noticed that huh?
It's sad for you to have come to this realization cous'
I guess you couldn't face it or maybe just couldn't handle it anymore
It's sad to not have a chance to see you dude
To talk to you!
To listen to you!
You were always missed by many and continuously loved by most cous'
I guess you got tired of waiting for our mimes to actually speak and say the words to you     huh? 
Yeah that happens sometimes
So I guess I don't really blame you dude
It's sad to not have had super powers to have heard you cous'
I wish there had been more time to tell you face to face what you needed to hear
We all love you Tae and we wish you were here!
I guess it's really time for us to lay you to rest now, just put you to bed...
What's done is done and all that needed to be said, has been said! 

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