Monday, January 12, 2015

Untitled Love Story

Its dark but not so dark that I can not see light of day but dark enough to make me drift      into a deep sleep.
It's warm but not so warm that I will sweat from a sea of heat but enough to make me    comfortable and safe.
I'm alone but not so alone that I am lonely but enough to allow me time to think.
I've cried in silence but somehow I know I've been heard.
My head is full but I'm not sure of what yet, It might be knowledge but if so, why do I feel    as ignorant as the moon? 
My eyes are wide open but some how slammed shut with a feeling of being sewed closed in  the mist of me still trying to see.
My ears pick up the sound of a stranger but he is indistant of me although it sounds as  though he maybe getting closer.
I'm yelling in a room that should echo but instead there is no sound.
My arms are running steal as though movement has escaped me, while my legs are as  rapid as ever but haven't made it to their destination.
My bones have gone numb but still solid enough to be hard as rocks, though tough as  armor.
I've swam deep, long and far in my blood and yet somehow I don't believe I'm in my own  body anymore, I feel as though I've traveled to your and am now sinking in your heart.
I'm drowning in a tube now, full of shallow trust.
I'm paralyzed from all the the love I get from you, It's almost as if that was your plan all  along.
Our eyes melted with so much passion at our first introduction, that we would have done  anything for one another or I for you.
That place called misery, I've met you there on so many timeless occasions though we've  not occupied this space for a while since.
 Longing for you to notice my vulnerable, sensitive side and let loose with me.
Needing you to dive in with both feet and maybe two arms already.
Please! Close thyn eyes and see what you've done to me.
Close thyn mouth and utter the words - adore.
I'm standing here floating, watching you lie on your knees, bleeding the truth from your  chest to which I had to stab you to obtain.
Feel me with your senses and I'll let your words taste me in truth.
Then we'll dance on a vanished stage together, see life together finally with four eyes open.
Live together as if we're our very own Bonnie and Romeo.
Lets sink together in this river of darkness we've created letting stars be our light as we  take pictures of our prayers of a longevity life together as one.

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