Tuesday, August 27, 2013

See No...Hear No...Speak ? Part III

Oh yeah there had to be ah part three...I wouldn't dare forget about my young women out there! Why in the hell are so many of you in ah rush to grow up? Do y'all not see yawls older sisters', cousins, aunties, even MOTHERS? Come the fuck on! Now ah days y'all have been out here doing way to much at such ah young age and I so badly want to yell at yawls mothers but the fact is when you became old enough to talk smart, curse, drink, smoke and have SEX!! You became old enough to get your ass beat, get kicked out, and take responsibility for your faults...Which means, once you have ah child, YOU are no longer one your self! I'mma repeat that for those of you who would like to forget that I just said it....ONCE YOU HAVE AH CHILD, UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE NO LONGER ONE YOUR SELF!
I'm am so tired of shows such as, TEEN MOM and so called role models like, NICKI MINAJ UGH REALLY! Come on people, first off there's obviously something in the water any way, that's allowing these young girls to have such big breast and gluts, that now there are eleven year old's out her looking all of sixteen and these sixteen year old's are looking all of twenty-one, it ridiculous! What's worse is that most of you adults are okay with letting these KIDS get by on the shit y'all can control; Clothing (what they wear), music (what they listen to) and television (what they're watching). I actually have ah question for all of you...Do/did any of you have ah grandmother, na'na, big momma, hell even ah madea? What about ah mom! That statement is given to the young mothers out here.
I asked that question because I really wanna know if any of you were raised the way your children are being raised now? Okay, I'll ask that same question again but in ah different way, for those of you who didn't catch it!...When y'all were growing up, were y'all able to do most of the shit yawls children, sisters, cousins or nieces are doing now? My guess is that more than seventy percent of y'all were not! So my follow up question is, why not teach your children the right way of making mistakes if they must make them? Basically, what I am saying to y'all it this...Look at your selves clearly and not through ah fogged glass, did the way yawls parents raised y'all really fuck y'all up so bad? If the answer is NO, then why not take some of what yawls parents taught y'all and teach it to your children! Do they not deserve that? What kills me is that most of you are walking around trying to get people to feel sympathy for y'all because yawls children are horrible, possible TEEN MINAJ MOMS, using drugs and telling y'all to go fuck your selves because they know y'all won't do shit to them...So what do y'all do? Drink, snort, smoke or throw yawls hands up by just not paying attention to them! Now before I get so pissed that I begin to ramble on, let me just leave you readers with this...
Realize that we (WOMEN) are what keeps the cycle of the world repeating. It is our job to; raise, nurture, teach and reproduce the children of this world, so when we fall short on our job as WOMEN, we're not just falling short on that job but that of which makes us MOTHERS in the first place and when that happens, we fuck up the process at the starting gate, which basically means we're not giving our children any hope of making it to the finish line. So my biggest question in this entire post is, How can we expect our young men and women, especially the African American ones, to grow up and progress if we can't provide them with the most basic needs to guide them along the way? #MILEY CYRUS!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are very right. I for one am happy & even over excited that you are: (1) expressing your personal knowledge & (2) using your voice to reach/teach others!! Keep learning & loving cause it only takes one!!