Sunday, August 25, 2013

See No...Hear No...Speak ? Part II

I wonder how many of you are really enraged about what happen to Treyvon Martin! The shit is crazy and yeah / so the fuck what, so many of you have reposted pictures of him and made comments about the issue. I wonder how many of you have children? Actually how many of you have young boys? Do y'all not realize that those young boys will grow into young men that will eventually become grown ass men (if they make it that far!) Now how many of you don't have children but have young male cousins, nephews' or brothers? Take ah moment and just picture Treyvon as your child, your brother, you cousin or your nephew...
Picture him leaving to go chill with his girlfriend; maybe they got high, watched some t.v and then got it in (lol that's usually how young people kick it). Now he's ready to go home, so he probably kisses his girl good night, walks home and in the middle of that walk he has ah high moment and gets hungry...stops at ah store grabs something to quick to munch on and something to wash it down, then continues his walk. He's probable high, alone and ah little lost so he calls his girl just to see if she's up and realizes he's being followed panics, puts his snacks inside his hoodie and takes off running...From there if any of you followed the story, y'all know what happened!
My thing is this, who the fuck cares what he was doing before he got shot down! I would like to know why he got shot down in the first place! I mean I actually want the truth (Its never going to happen) but that's what I want because George Zimmerman or anyone else for that matter, could never tell me that he believed Treyvon was ah threat, Nor could anyone including Zimmerman say, "well he came after me and I had to defend myself"...That boy was not armed, unless skittles and watermelon flavored Arizona juice are weapons, I mean really! come the fuck on. Then for the police to have told Zimmerman during the 911 call, not to chase after him and  he did it anyway, He should have been locked up just for that off rip! Not to mention, during that call Zimmerman may have (which I believe after listening to it myself, that he did) said ah racial remark about Treyvon and on ah second call to 911 you hear someone (Treyvon) yelling out for help ah good four to five times then right after the last time you hear ah gun shot...You tell me NO BULLSHIT! what I'm suppose to think?
Think people...If Zimmerman has ah weapon on him, why in the hell would it be him calling out for help? Wouldn't it make more sense for the person yelling to have been Treyvon? So I ask you two things...One, why in the hell is Zimmerman not in jail for murder? Two, what would you do if this was your cousin, nephew, brother or SON? I capitalized the word son because although my son is only one years old, he is still going to grow up and become ah man someday and what if Treyvon was my Alijah?
My point is this, NO I don't intend for every African American in the world to stop their lives because one little boy lost his life. But DO SOMETHING MORE THAN AH POST OF AH PICTURE, THE TYPE OF AH STATEMENT, GIVING AN APOLOGY OR TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK ( WHICH IS BASICALLY AH FUCK YOU BTW!!) Because the reality of the situation is, although your world didn't stop, Treyvons' did...His family's did and most importantly his MOTHER'S DID! An African American Women who lost her son due to ah racial ( I don't care who wants to believe that it wasn't racial because it was) problem that still exists in the world today and we as African Americans especially us who have children have to become more aware as well as knowledgeable of the issues around us in order to educate our African American children especially the MEN! Because we are loosing more and more of them every day. In fact I live on the north side of town, right across the street from an elementary school and ah young man (SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD!) got shot and killed right in the front of my house...I have three babies who were outside that day but through the grace of God and the fact that my husband brought them into the house to play while he exercised just five minutes before the shooting began! What if he didn't come in to exercise that day? What if he took them him just one second to late? Just what if? There wouldn't have been ah damn thing I would have been able to do if either my children or my husband would have gotten hit by just one of those bullets, all because If we're not out here killing each other (BLACK ON BLACK) we're getting killed (WHITE ON BLACK) and the most fucked up part is that, most of you dummies think the shit's okay! WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE, when will y'all realize that it's been about that time to SEE, HEAR & SPEAK and no one has gotten up yet!
I'm so over it at this point and I'm not quite sure of how or where to start but someone has to do something to raise awareness and get more people to understand that this has to stop in order for there to ever be PROGRESS.

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