Saturday, November 17, 2012


When does life begin to be real for you? 

The reason I ask, is because life got real for me mostly when I had my children...some people might think that I'm stupid after they read this...and some people might already know but in the summer of 2007, I found out I was four months pregnant with my first child.
I had a 2,000 dollar scholarship to cosmetology school, and was suppose to start school in September of that same year. I had also gotten kicked out...well not so much as kicked out but I had to ask a friend of mines mother if I could live with her due to me not having any other place to go. To make matters worse, I had her in the year of 2008 and I wasn't with my current husband at the time so, I had just became a single mother.
I remained that way until my daughter was sixth months in which time I got back with her dad and what do you think happen? If you happen to guess that I got pregnant again, you were right! Now I have two children and yes we had broken up again...Can you say, "pissed bitch", Now for the second time I found myself being a single mother. 
So much stuff had been going on in my life at that time, you readers are lucky to get the short part of just one of my life stories. Well to make a long story short, It was now 2009 and I've back with the father of my kids and we just got engaged, life seemed to be going great for use until what I like to call the triple T's happen, "the terrible twos"!
Getting back on track though...we got passed all of the above, got married, and  had our last and final child, our baby boy, Alijah. I ask the question about life because after almost loosing mine with trying to have my son, and having to lean on God to find my way back to my husband, my daughters, my family, my friends and ME! I found that we as a people really take life for granted...I mean having to be put to sleep just to save not only my life but my baby's as well, I wake up every day thankful that he allowed me to see another day with my family. Every since my near death experience, I have wanted to do everything I can to make a better way for us as a people, I want to help every body or at least as many people as I can so that we use the time we have left on this planet, on this earth, wisely.
Live life people, do good if you yourself other ways of living, learning, knowing something better so that you can pass on your knowledge to others who have been through what you've been through or seen what you've them to get on the right path to living a full and happy life because no one knows when there last time is here and if they'll get another chance to Wake Up!
Wake Up people...Know your self worth...Live for today...Give yourself that chance in life that will allow you to keep pushing on in order to move forward and in that moment, that's when your life will begin to be real!

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