Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Dear Lord, 

Take me in your wings as I cry on your shoulders and ask for your forgiveness,

for I have sind and desperately need your mercy

I may not be as worthy of it I know but to seek help from you father,

I know it is the first step in receiving your unfailing love

Oh, how I am so desperately in need of your grace right now God to enjoy my life and the blessings that you have bestowed on me  

Lord, I come to you now, not only for forgiveness but compassion for I feel as if the path 

I have chosen to take does not seem as though it was meant for me

Lord, I feel as though I am drowning in a sea of my own depression, misery and weakness 

and I fear that I do not have a clue as to how I can keep myself from dying 

Help me dear heavenly father and give me the strength to keep moving on

for I know if I need not seek help from you now,
I might loose sight of the right path to the light and turn to darkness

Dear Lord,

Wrap me in your wings and walk with me on this journey through life 

you are my creator so only you father know how hard it is for me to ask for help 
that is why I am coming to you now 

Lord, I pray to you today and give thanks to you each day you allow me to wake up in order to keep enjoying the three wonderful gifts from you 

Lord, shield my family,  friends,  associates, myself, even my enemies with protection and continue to lead us on the right path in all of our future endeavors, so that we will one day be able to walk along side you and all of  your angels

Lord, I will always carry you in my heart, mind, sprite and soul and I only ask that you forgive me for all of my past, present and future mistakes for I am still ignorant to many things I have no sight for 

Lord, in your name only will I pray, 


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