Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Baby

    Today is the first day of the new year, 2013! and with that said, I'm going to start talking about things that might bother some of you readers, such as; Beyonce' and her "baby", Chris Brown and Rihanna, the shooting that happen at that elementary school and so much more. Now...I would like to start off with Beyonce'. 
People please lets just be perfectly honest here, I myself might not like the fact that Beyonce' is one of those artist who believes she can only sell music by wearing nothing! but I have to give it to her, she can sing or should I say sang! but that's not the topic I want to discuss at the moment, what I really want to talk about is that fact that she wants everyone to believe that she has actually had ah "baby"yeah right...and I say this only because I have had three children which for the "hard to catch on people" that also means three pregnancies so...come up with something different Beyonce' if you want me to believe that you actually carried that baby for nine or however many months. 
I saw the video of her when her stomach folded up as she went to sit down...First off, to all the people who keeps saying, "oh it was just the type of dress she had on that day"BULLSHIT! okay because if you were watching, what I was watching, you would have noticed that her dress was tight fitting and there shouldn't have been any reason for her stomach to have folded as if the dress was loose...I mean come on, in that interview she was supposedly six months pregnant, again yeah right...I have been six months pregnant three times over and this last time after watching her interview, I wanted to prove ah point to my husband, so I put on my tight dress and I sat down in ah chair, as my husband watched, and my stomach didn't fold at any point!
Now, I'm not stupid people I completely understand that everybody is different and so is every pregnancy but please if the truth really was that her dress was loose, why in the hell did she look like ah deer caught in the head lights after her "baby belly" folded? anyone who doesn't believe me go ahead and take another gander at that video, I'll wait...

Did you look or are you going to just continue to take my word for it? if your still reading I'll take that as, you believe that there is some truth to what I am saying. With that said, I'm going to tell you what I think really happen with Beyonce', Jay-Z and that "baby"...

One day Jay-Z said to Beyonce', "B, I'm ready to start having kids, what you think bout that?" 
and she said, "That's fine but who's going to carry it? because I don't think i'm ready to stretch out this body yet!" 
Then he said, "I'm sure we can figure out something, ha ha...between the two of use we can do anything."
Then she said, "Yeah you right babe, I guess I could always find someone to carry the baby and when she's about ready to have the baby, I will have already put out about three or four new songs and video's as well as do the award show and at that point we'll tell every body and I'll just wear one of those fake baby bumps that they have for movies for ah while so no one will start to question if i'm really pregnant or not, ha ha...then I'll take "ah break" to have "the baby" when really I'm taking ah break to finish my new CD."
Then he replied, "That sounds good B, and we can pay the hospital to keep the whole maternity ward of limits in order for us to have complete privacy while the person, of our choosing, has the baby."
Then she replied, "I'm fine with that, I guess.''
Then he ask, "Are you sure your really prepared for this B? Cus we could always wait until your ready to have my baby ya self." 
Then she said, "Yeah baby, lets do it now I can't wait to see what our baby would look like, smile ha ha..."
Then he said, "I hope it's ah girl B."

Where things fucked up with this whole plan was that Beyonce' of course had to tell her family the plan and her loose lips dad, being so excited, let the cat out the bag and then got yelled at by both Beyonce' and Jay-Z for saying anything at all...Then of course they all had to say it was ah "rumor" but in actual reality it was the truth, and that's how we came to see her quick pregnancy, her folded stomach, her three video's and their baby, the beautiful little girl that she "carried" for nine short months and then made ah video for her husband damn near right after. That's what I believed happened, maybe not word for word, play by play, or extremely exact but I honestly just don't believe that Beyonce', her self carried that baby...and just FYI, her not carrying it is not why I'm on it so tough, I'm on it so tough because she felt as though she needed to lie about it, I mean come on now be real about ya shit Beyonce', you didn't want to have ah baby thinking that having one would ruin ya body and so instead of being honest about it you lied, really! In the words of Tamar Braxton, "Get Your Life!" Yes what happens between you and your husband should stay between you and your husband, completely understandable, but if that was the case then yall should have just left it that way instead of bringing the entire world into yall's business or better yet, just be real about what was going on instead of putting on this big show for no reason.

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