Saturday, January 19, 2013

Just Another Day of Bad News

    Once again I wake to find that, we as ah people, can't make it through an entire day without hearing that something horrible has happen to someone in the world or witnessing on the news, that someone has decided to go completely crazy and in doing so has took out most or all of that "Crazy" on the people that they either; know, have lived by at some point, have serious infatuations with, or randoms...(people that were just in the right place at the wrong time) and for what?
     The fact of the matter is that, while all of these things sound nice, It's all bullshit and none of it can be taken with any of us when the Lord calls us home. So while we're out here committing all these acts of stupidity, not even the devil himself cares about any of it or any of us, because misery loves company! People who are oblivious to that fact are just ignorant pons which even the most intelligent people can be at times. That said, while we, as ah people, fill obligated to fulfill certain goals in our lives that's okay, and well understood by many who have the same requisite about themselves as well. What is not acceptable, is for us to pretend as though our needs should proceed once we've made it to the top, I mean once your there, what then happens? Do you then try to keep reaching/searching  for things you already have, or do you take time to realize that you've finally made it and work that much harder to try and give back to those who are not able to be where you are? I completely understand if many of you readers aren't capable of answering my questions right now plus that's really not the issues I want to focus on in the particular post, what I really wanted to focus on is the crime that's been going on over the years, actually the crime in the past year...
     WHAT IN THE FUCK is going on in the world when people are finding new/weird ways to get high? I mean are people serious with bath salt? Oh girl I can't go out with you but you can come over and we can get high off this bath salt, then for dinner we can go out and eat someones face! Come on, what's next; cascade dishwasher capsules, dawn dish washing liquid, pine-sol, dirty diapers, printer ink? Yeah it sounds real stupid right? I know, now imagine how stupid you appear to everyone when we here or see on the news that, that is what your out here doing with your self, you honestly couldn't find something better to do with your time, if not that is totally sad. Now, I know that I've previously informed all you readers that I have kids, that said, how in the fuck am I suppose to fill comfortable and safe with taking my kids on field trips to the; movies, park, zoo, water park, grocery store, walks, ect. I'm pretty sure by now you get the point...when I don't even fill safe sending them to school after hearing about that shooting at an elementary school of all places, WHAT THE FUCK! am I now suppose to keep my children under complete solitude and home school them because I can't even walk out my front door an automatically know, that when my children get on that school bus to go to school there going to be just fine where there at. I mean when you have ah child or an abundance of children your brain already begins to go into over load with all types of different worries about what can happen to them just because you know all of the dangers you went through or witnessed throughout your life so to have added stress over things that can be avoided is just down right crazy, It really makes you, after ah while, start to go/ feel crazy. Then to hear that the same type of shooting took place at ah movie theater prior to the shooting at the elementary school smh...both me and my husband make it ah point to take our children to enjoy life and many different things which includes taking them to the movies, I can't believe that this world is so in ruins that we now need security in places we should be able to fill safe and secure in such as; HEAD START, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, grocery and corner stores, movie theaters, parks and water parks, the zoo, libraries, shit! at this point every new born, infant, child, pre-teen, teens, and pre-adults, should now come with a body guard, someone other than the parents to jump in front of bullets for them...just saying!
With so many; accidental deaths, suicides, murders, unsuspected deaths, and natural deaths occurring every day, I believe that we as people should, at the very least, try and make an attempt to be more aware of whats going on and maybe figure out what we could do to help avoid them from happening, meaning if I know someone is depressed, maybe I should try talking to them to figure out what I could do to help if anything at all, in most cases just being that person they could come to and know that I'm right there listening will be enough, maybe not but do you not think that we could make ah greater attempt to do better not just for one another but for those who don't have anyone else? It's sad really when you've gotten to the point when you wake up, look around and notice that those; friends, family members, associates, enemies, innocent children, even idols have just disappeared...and what makes it horrible is the fact that once you've opened your eyes and began to pay attention to what has been going on, you have ah moment where the actual realization of, THIS PERSON IS GONE FOREVER, kicks in and you've actually wasted time doing nothing...saying nothing...being something for nothing...what that is called people is, Another Day of Bad News!
And I don't know about you but I'm tired of watching unnecessary things happen... I'm so ready to do something for the protection and safety of my; family, friends, associates, and even my enemies H.A.Y?
By the way, if H.A.Y went over your head...It stands for,"How About You"?

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