Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Polygamist Playa

Does one man really need fifty-two cards in his deck, or can he play with just one?

Okay...Truth, a man will find love in a woman in due time, what's unknown to the woman he fell in love with is that the man actually was in love with her! 
I know that the last statement you just read was a bit cconfusing so I'll do my best to explain...

Men are a "keep to themselves" kind of breed, which basically means they'll hold all their sensitive emotions one the inside to keep from showing their girl; their lady, their woman, their baby mama, their fiance, their wife or their niggas their volunerablilty. Feelings of being deamed a punk or mitch! Tends to make them a little afraid or for the lack of a better word hesitent. Now hold up fellas don't sop reading because I'm in no way trying or intending to bad mouth or throw y'all under the bus, I'm just gone write...can a write for a bit and y'all just hang in there with me for a while? 
Okay - ugh, back to the fact that men don't tap into their emotions to women as much as they should, I misspoke just then, men definitley share feelings but only to their mothers!

- Yeah she did!

So with that being said, Ma'am always knows, so she'll know that the man your so in love with actually loves you, yeah he feels a lil somethin' somthin' for you, get yo smile on. But how the hell does that help you or even benefit you? Since you don't know that he cares? You'll start and continually do and say dumb, weird, malicious, ratchet, just plain stupid ass shit that will piss him off on a daily, which will eventually turn him off of you, oh but he won't leave you, even though now, he's kind of looking at you like, "I got to much luv for shorty now, to just say fuck her. Yeah she now more like a little sis to me!" At least thats what he'll be saying to all his friends. 

NO ladies the sad thing or truth of the matter is that he'll not only stay with you but he'll be just beginning a new relationship with somone else which he'll then do two things with her. He'll one, get involved with the chick, tell his mother about how in love he is with her and how she might be the one. Two, he'll eventually find something she did or didn't do to piss him over, grow tried of her in some way then stay but leave her too. All the while talking to you, laughing with her and just beginning to love on someone else.

Honestly, in my opinion, I feel as though the type of man who does this to a woman either really hates his mother or is such a mama's boy, that he wants to be in a relationship with her and is out looking for someone just like her so that he can feel safe enough to open up to, emotionally, and be in love with all at the same time. I say this because if you think about it, a man like this would go out picking up chicks, that in someway resembels their mother, find someone else and someone else and someone else, did I say and someone else? Damn if he through a party and the guest list contain just him, you and about three other chicks and he's enjoying himself, he's probably dating you, her and that girl over there. Seriously, what if itakes for him to be with three different women for him to actually say or be really in love with just the ONE!?

In short, this nigga has found the one within three different relationships and has no plains of ending any of the three. Hood break for a secend, "That nigga is seriously loney toones, his hamster has just stop spinning in his head." My quetion now is, How many women out there would actually be okay and want to spend the rest of their lives with a man who has two, three, four other women, wives, babymamas, fiances? I ask that because some of you women out there want to be in a relationship so bad that as soon as a man smiles at you, y'all ready for a relationship. Now weather y'all do this because of your age or because of the desperate desire of not wanting to sleep alone, hell maybe y'all do it cause y'all just want a man and wanna have fun and don't care, In short the need to have a title. 

I'll apologize because yes, I straid from the original topic at hand but I just couldn't resist the urge to ask my question. Back to the reason why I'm writing this post actually lets just say, back to the topic of this post, like I said before, polygamist are people who seek comfort in many spouses, I honestly don't know if spouses is a word or not but, it'll be one today! Men seek comfort in many different relationships, people, you happy now? I don't know why they do it I've made some hypothosis but tuthfully,I don't think many polygamist even know why they do it or for that matter what, exactlly, their looking for. 

The only thing I can say about this topic, would be to give my answer, to the question I asked when I started. Do men really need fifty- two cards in their deck or can they play with just one? I beleive they can, I think this world and they way it operates is basied off of choices and we as people choose to do things we want to do, we choose say what we wanna say, we choose to leave and we choose to stay. We choose to work or not, we choose to have or get into or out of a relationship, we choose to then marry that person and raise babies with them or not and we damn well choose who we will be in this life. So being that life is a choice, those who are polygmist choose to be, they could very easily be with one and only one person not only that but to have one and only spouse.

When someone chooses to be a polygamist, they have choosen to be a selfish person who solely cares and worries about themselves. They don't love other people the way they should be loved not because they can't but because they don't understand the meaning, they only understand the meaning of their own hearts and happiness because if that were not true they would understand moreover sympathize with the person they CHOSE to string along wasting valuable time in their life thinking they've found the one. Polygamist would relize that when women find out or surcome to the relization that they (the polygamist playas) have always been in several different relationships all the while being in one with them, they (the polygamist playas) come across to the women as a heartless sons of a bitch that just broke their hearts and has now made them want to give up on looking for love.

Polygamy to me is just a fancy word for men or women (for that matter) cheating. It, to me, feels as though men and women out there are saying to themselves, "sense there's a fancy name for it, it must be okay!"
-Thats what I think, say it with me "polygamy is good, that's right" (Eddie Murphy voice in Vampire In Brooklin) 
Well ladies and gentalmen it's not okay, polygamy is a joke and futher more it is an excuse for not wanting to grow the hell up and get knocked down in life a few times, hell relationships are hard people, but so is life and there is no sense in trying make sense in why it's hard or feeling as though getting to close to a person will be the end to the world. Sometimes when you're trying out new relationships you have to test drive a few maybe even get in a few accidents in order to come out stronger, more aware and knowlegable of things you blind to when you first got in it but that's good because when you're finally prepared for what comes out of that, you're truly blessed with the one who will and can be your every thing, If that's what you need cause in the words of Alicia Keys,
"A woman ain't a woman if she ain't women enough, to love you when your wrong, love you when your right, love you when your weak, love you when your strong, take you higher when the world got you feeling low, giving you her best even when your at your worst, giving comfort when she thinking that your hurt, that's what's done when you really love someone."
MEN...Y'all just have to trust that we women know, can and will do that for y'all and at that point know how to give it to us in return stop all this nonsense with this damn polygamy, y'all missing your woman you know, the one y'all out searching for!

#yolives #getitcatchitgotitgood

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