Friday, February 15, 2013

Full of Shititis

Ah while back I wrote this; "First I was sick of being sick, then I was tired being tired, now I'm sick and tired with a headache on top! shaking my head when will someone make ah cure for FULL OF SHITITIS? someone please hit me up when they do, I'm good for it!" on my Facebook page well people I found it, the book entitled "The Cure" written by one of my favorite authors today, Brittany Anthony. So I began to read this book on the cure for full of shititis and it read...

" don't continue to feed the people with the disease bullshit, it will only indulge their craving        thus allow them to remain hindered in their illness and you will forever be entitled to enable the person with such disease. Instead feed them full of knowledge, this will leave them not only speechless but also absent minded to the fact that they are sick. Absent minded because they will be so focused on the fact that you've just proven them to be tediously dull to the point that they're now grasping at ah chance to be different, forgetting that they have been full of shit their entire life." 

   Now, to those of you dealing with this type of person in your lives right now, don't be mad at them for being this's ah disease! be mad at you for not taking the time to educate yourself on such ah powerful yet easy to cure disease in the first place! I believe that we have ah choice about everyone who enter's into our lives and that choice is weather or not they stay in it long enough to obtain ah good relationship with us or not. But it is the people suffering from shititis that makes our choice harder than it needs to be, I feel like some of the people who enter into my life should come with an expiration date just like food, and on that expired date I can take them out of my life as you would ah stale bag of chips because really, what do you need with ah stale bag of chips in your life? At least with day old bread you can make it into great things such as; french toast or croutons for ah nice salad or something, but what can you do with old chips? Nothing! Then you have days in your life were you would enjoy the company of others for ah long period or time, much like can goods, which still have some form of an expiration date...and when that person is no longer enjoyable, you can get rid of them like you would that old can good. The point is, you should know that you always have ah choice to have full of shititis people in or out of your life and if your not aware of that...then hey, guess what? You've just learned something new today!

1 comment:

Tay Lin said...

LUUUUV IT!!!! Girl u a mess "what can you do with old chips" had me crackin up. I hope others read this and can find it relevent in their lives cuz it sure speaks into mine.