Monday, February 11, 2013

DEAD Awake

His hair is dark, like the night sky

I see his spirit within his eyes, it smiles so bright whenever he looks at me

I can't believe his skin is so smooth and brown, with the smell of ah fresh summer breeze

You know that scent at the very beginning of morning, that reminds you that not everyone in the world is so bad

That scent that makes you melt with goosebumps over your entire body

Oh, how I sometimes wish that I could wrap my soul within his and lay under his warm shoulders throughout my days 

Without a single care in the world but then, there are days...

Days where my tears drop like rain when I think of him

Days where the clouds follow me around, like a song being replayed over and over again in my head

There are times when even his words saying, "I love you", cut like knives piercing through my heart right into my soul

You know those days where it feels as though time has stopped and then you blink reminders of every letter in his name 

Though it doesn't spell out what you may think of, only pain and you sit there...

Wondering, if it's the same song playing in his heart as it is in yours 

Those days, where you see him and you go to open your mouth to speak but 

only sounds of mimes come out to entertain you love, as if you were doing it for tips 

Hoping that one day it would just return to that same summer breeze you once felt 

You know, that one that filled your body with goosebumps, huh

Praying to our savor to save you and get you to the finish line and then...

Waking up to realize that you were already there the entire time just passed out from running

Dead Awake!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is one of THE most amazing & true post. Love your post same name. This one is real life & honest, like many others. Keep writing & i know you'll stay true! Keep ur head up!