Monday, January 14, 2013

Monee' Pastel "The Acknowledgment"

Ms. Monee' Pastel,
    Girl you've done so much in life...very independent and in control with everything you do and have done thus far, to just say that I'm happy for you would be so much of an under-statement but I'll say it anyway, "I'm happy for you!" Congratulations to you Monee' Pastel and although we weren't close friends to begin with...I wish you nothing but the very best in all you future endeavors.  
I feel I, at the very least, owe you that much due to me being so overwhelmed with my feelings and in my own way/ mind trying to somewhat hate or down play your success in life by not congratulating you earlier and for that, even though it caused no affect on you, I still want to be women enough to apologize to you as well as take time to acknowledge what you have accomplished on your journey...
Now this blog may be coming as a shock to you but I've grown so much through-out the years that I feel it necessary to speak, I would also like to let you know that I in no way want anything from you nor do I have an ulterior motive behind what I am saying I just really wanted you to know from "ME" that I support you and if I can do anything to help you in anyway I will.
Stay blessed through-out your life Monee' and the whole B.A.E crew and never forget to enjoy the little things in life because they're important too.
Oh yeah and the clothes and fashion shows that I've seen thus far on YouTube are hot as hell and if you haven't done so already girl please pat yourself on the back cause you truly are ah bad bitc- shut yo mouth! lmao

Your associate, friend, whatever...
~Brittany Brooks-Anthony~

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