Saturday, December 1, 2012

You People You!!

You people get on my nerves, I mean every since I was in high school all I wanted to do was fit in with the crowd, so when I made the cheer leading team I was excited of course but then again "you people" knew exactly how to break other people down...
You people with your words, your judgement, your back-handed compliments, your fake smile, and your fake friendship to me and everyone except to those just like you...
You backstabbers you! I can't believe I wanted to change myself to be like the crew, I mean I did things I wouldn't normally do and for what? because you damn sure used it against me all the time, every time and then...
Sophomore year happen and none of you so called friends gave ah flying pig shit about what really happen nor did any of you care to ask either and why would you? I mean why believe me over someone like you even if they are lying there ass off just to have something to talk about...
You people kill me because not only have I been over thinking the past so much so that I still find myself trying get approval from you and I'm ah grown ass women, married to a wonderful man who loves the shit out of me and all my flaws, and I have three beautiful children who feel the same but to get back on subject,
You people kill me because I would have been able to let this go years back if I thought that all of the things most of you put me through for no good reason were just high school girls being high school bitches but of course not, "you people" grew up and unfortunately for some of you maturity didn't follow because if it had, I think many of you should have at least tried to send out an apology my way just to forgive and forget, if nothing else, I mean geesh "you people" act as if, if you give me an apology we have to be life long friends and we don't but do you not feel as though if you've done something blatantly wrong to someone else you shouldn't have to apologize for your wrong doing?
You people really just get under my skin not only for your vainness but your inability to admit when your wrong about something I mean, it's obvious that you never really knew me because if you did, if any of you were really friends of mine or so called family! you would have known that I would have been the last person to;
   kick you while your down
   snitch on you, for something you did
   talk shit about your mistakes 
   tell everyone personal business of yours 
   laugh behind your back but smile in your face knowing I don't like you
So with that being said let me just clear the air now about everything and if you don't like it, just think of it as your personal dose of karma!!

Freshman Year
    I had three best friends whom I'd known since middle school, one of which I joined the cheer leading team with and all of you people thought we were gay right...wrong! she is my lil sis never nothing sexual!
can't say the same for some of you though who were clearly in LIKE with other "same sex" people, most of which were on the team with us

Sophomore Year
     I had one high school boyfriend after "Nate" and I really like him but of course "you people" and Nate had to mess that up when you started that rumor about me and Nate having sex in the locker room....Now I will admit that yes we were in the locker room, and yes he and I planned to get it in and for that reason alone I took my punishment! can't say the same for some of you, but when he tried to play me, of all people when I was one of the only people who had truly befriended him, by treating me like I owed him some ass just cause he was Nathaniel! and then anal sex out of all places...Please! and my husband will contest to that, I don't do ass...
More power to the people that do but I'm not one of them and yes maybe Nate did ejaculate but it was from all that huffing and puffing he did trying to put it in and then he ejaculated on him self not in, on, or even close to me at all, that's why when Paris walked in and seen us, she saw him in the bathroom area trying to wipe semen off of his clothes and me tying my shoes getting ready to leave from the locker room all together...
When she asked what was going on, with ah nasty lil grin on her face, that is why I told her nothing but she still took what she saw and her thoughts and ran with it and all of you people just believed it because you wanted to me and him being suspended for being in the girls locker room together not because we had actually had sex with one another
But hey at the time who gave ah shit about the truth no matter how many times I told it, except the three friends I had freshman year...Thanks Destiny, Danielle, and Fantasia

Junior Year
      I did me and found new friends like Kara, and I started career center and went through the same thing all because all of the girls in the program liked the same guy but when that guy liked just me, that was the biggest problem in the world all of "you people" tried to make that hell for not only me but him as well...that's when most of "you people" in high school were calling me gay yet again due to me hanging out with Kara! and then people in the career center, or should I say person in the career center told the guy, who is now my husband so lots of good your lies did, that I was a nasty diseased hoe that slept with every dude I met...
by this time I really started to say fuck y'all and all the unfair treatment I got that played heavenly on my mind and gave me realistic thoughts of ended it all..."you people" played with the depression I had instead of leaving it alone to die down some of "you people" really just didn't give ah damn and thankfully be this time I had ah place where I could let go...Thanks Kara, and Luana, Kara's mom, y'all are really family to me
But no you idiots I was not nor am I having an type of sexual relationship with Kara! 

Any and everything after this point is in ah since, Casper! because I was trying my hardest to not think or give ah damn about anything or anybody but my man and graduating! 
But that still didn't work due to the fact that whenever I turned around I saw or heard about "you fucking people" I mean even after we graduated some of you still didn't /couldn't leave well enough alone
Why in the hell couldn't "you people" have just done y'all and let me do me?
Do you people really not have an answer?
Well I'll answer for you then...
The answer is because "you people" have nothing else better to do but keep fucking with me, because ain't shit else important, long lasting or constant happening in you people's lives!
You people need to really grow the hell up and leave well enough alone mainly because I've been at ah place in my life for almost five years now that some of you are just now getting to and the truth is, when "you people" were talking about me having children and ah husband and  now ah house, y'all were really light weight envious because y'all weren't at that place in y'all's life yet...
And if I'm not speaking the truth, answer me this then...
How many of you people who always, since you met me, have children now?
Now how many of you people have ah man that wants to start ah family with you and buy houses and give you any and everything he can just to see you happy?
Let me guess...None of you people right!
Yeah you have children and ah baby daddy but when will "you people" stop being nothing more than the tired, childish, vain, devious, almost hoe baby mother who he can't do anything more then argue with they man cause they can't get him to take care of  his baby or them?
That's right some of you love the way I taste so much that you can't manage to keep my name or what I do out y'all's mouth and for what... because of some shit you people heard and never bothered to find out if there was truth behind it!
Huh...that shit's crazy 
Now that I've released the weight off my chest, cleared my mind of all the thoughts I've had about "you people" and finally let y'all know, three words...

                                                         Fuck You People!!